the Purchase Order dashboad will allow you to see the following POs:

Approved:  These are purchase orders that have been approved and are active (not expired, closed, closed by Change order).  Purchase orders "out of balance" (not enough funds) will display in the approved section until they expire or are closed by a change order

Historical: These are non-active purchase orders (expired, closed, closed by a change order)

Approved POs

1) Select the PO:  This will open the Purchase order and will allow you to convert it to an invoice (you will not be able to select POs that display crossed out as these are out of balance "out of balance".  You will need a change order to be able to submit an invoice against an out of balance PO (see #13)

2) Print: This will allow you to print a copy of the purchase order

3) Invoices: This will display all the invoices submitted against a purchase order.  You will be able to open the invoices or export (Excel format) the list of invoices if required

4) Purchase order invoices:  This is a PDF report of the invoices submitted against the purchase order

5) Purchase order number: This is the purchase order number 

6) Attachments:  This will display any attachments submitted with the purchase order

7) Date: This is the purchase order date

8) PO expiry date:  This is the purchase order expiry date.  You will not be able to submit invoices against expired POs.  If the PO is expired contact your originator for them to renew the purchase order (see #13)

9) PO Amount: This is the purchase order amount.  

10) PO Balance: This is the remaining available balance for the purchase order 

11) Originator: This is the person responsible for approving the invoices/buyer

12) PO Type: Standard/blanket: this is an internal classification (not relevant to suppliers)

13) E-mail:  This will allow you to contact the purchase order originator and request a change order (if the PO is out of funds, or to renew the purchase order if the PO is expired)

14) Historical:  The historical section will display inactive purchase orders (expired, closed/cancelled/closed by change order)

15) Export: This will allow you to export (Excel format) the list of the approved POs