Suppliers classified as "Wash" suppliers (wash-related services) will be able to submit wash invoices to Trimac. The following steps must be f...
Fri, 30 Jun, 2023 at 4:24 PM
Login to ALTO EXCHANGE (link) ALTO Exchange allows suppliers to submit multiple invoices (EACH MUST BE SUBMITTED INDIVIDUALLY) against a Purchase Order...
Fri, 28 Jul, 2023 at 2:43 PM
The delivery date can be modified at the line item level. The header information can't be changed. Once the purchase order has been converted to a...
Fri, 11 Jun, 2021 at 1:37 AM
Suppliers/brokers are able to submit credit invoices via ALTO Exchange. A credit note will not be able to be applied against a PO if: The purcha...
Thu, 2 Mar, 2023 at 12:36 AM
If a previously submitted invoice has a rejected status, you must proceed as follows in order to resubmit the invoice (you do not need to create a new invo...
Wed, 25 Aug, 2021 at 11:35 AM
Suppliers are able to send partial invoices against a purchase order (incremental deliveries of products/services) IMPORTANT: If suppliers are not ...
Mon, 27 Sep, 2021 at 3:31 PM
HOW DO I ENTER THE TAXES? Taxes can be entered at the invoice header level (applies to all the invoice lines) or at the line item level (applies to the lin...
Wed, 13 Apr, 2022 at 1:47 PM
HOW TO DELETE AN INVOICE? Invoices can only be deled if they have the following statuses: Saved (saved/errors found status) Rejected (only if the ...
Fri, 1 Oct, 2021 at 10:14 AM
Can I add an attachment if I already submitted an invoice? No. Attachments can only be added while the invoice is "saved/errors found". Onc...
Fri, 1 Oct, 2021 at 12:22 PM
HOW DO I FIND OUT THE STATUS OF MY INVOICE(S)? Vendors have the ability to monitor the status of the invoices processed via ALTO Exchange Appro...
Fri, 1 Oct, 2021 at 12:30 PM